When product information is PromoStandards compliant, it’s compatible with databases across the promotional products industry. PromoStandards allows data to be translated into any format required for exportation or placement on a database.

This streamlines the transfer of information between suppliers and distributors because information can be entered once and shared on multiple platforms.

This information could include:

  • Inventory Price and Availability 
  • Order Status
  • Shipping Notices
  • Media
  • Product Data
  • Product Configuration
  • Purchase Orders
  • Invoices

All product information on DistributorCentral is made PromoStandards compliant, which is one of many integrations designed to increase accuracy and efficiency. 


What if a distributor asks for my PromoStandards endpoints?

DistributorCentral has created your PromoStandards endpoints for you and any distributor or service provider can gain access via our OneSource platform. 

You can send them the following guide on how to access your endpoints:
How to Access Our PromoStandards Endpoints
