Advertising Opportunities for Your Company

Maximize Your Reach With


Product Placement

  • Boost Your Products Rankings

    Outshine your competition in search results and allocate your own advertising budget using Product Placement dollars. Invest the necessary dollar amounts to secure top placements for your products in keyword searches! 

  • No Impression Caps

    The sky's the limit! In DistributorCentral, your products can reach full potential and maximum distributor views without product impression limitations.

  • Easy Performance Monitoring

    Use the Product Placement Manager to monitor the placement of your top products so you never fall behind competitors!

Dashboard Banner Ads

Top of Page Ribbon Ad

Rotates up to 4 ads per month

Highlight your brand on every page in DistributorCentral!

Current Availability

  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Billboard Ad

Rotates up to 4 ads per month

There is lots of room to tell a story to Distributors looking for ideas in DistributorCentral!

Current Availability

  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Tile Ad

Rotates up to 8 ads per month

An economical way to reach Distributors on every page in DistributorCentral!

Current Availability

  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Search Banner Ads

Catalog Ad

Exclusive Ad - Only 1 per month

Advertise your brand on every page of DC search results while Distributors are searching for products!

Current Availability

Category Ad

$500 - $1,000/Month
Sponsorship of 1 ad per month

Ad pricing is based on the traffic of category selected. Reach browsing Distributors with a banner on your preferred categories in search results.

Current Availability

  • Contact Us for Category List and Availability

Product of the Day
Only $249/day

Showcase new or hot items in this prominent ad shown on all DC Distributor dashboards! 

Sponsorship of 1 ad per day. 

After your product is showcased on its scheduled day in the Product of the Day banner, it continues to gain visibility in our Featured Products Ribbon, ensuring it's seen for at least an additional 8 more days. 


It is also featured on distributor websites in the Product of the Day block and Featured Products Ribbon, which automatically updates to pull in new Product of the Day products. 

Email Blast Services

In today's fast-paced digital world, staying connected with distributors is paramount for any supplier. While social media and other marketing platforms have gained immense popularity, one communication tool that has stood the test of time is email. When it comes to reaching a large number of distributors simultaneously, DistributorCentral’s email blast services emerge as the go-to solution.

Pick the Package that Works for Your Company

Elite Package


Stay front and center by sending an email every week of the year or twice a week during peak selling times.

Pro Plus Package


Maybe there are a few weeks you want to skip but still stay consistently in front of distributors; this package is for you!

Pro Package


Perfect for sending 2 emails out each month.

Basic Package


Perfect for sending 1 emailsout each month for a year.

Starter Package


For those wanting to test the email blasts before purchasing a larger package.

Product Highlight Email Blast

Starting at only $200/mo.

Reach your target audience with DC's themed email blast! Reserve your spot in the email to get your ad blasted out to 25,000 distributors on 3 different occasions during the month of your choice!

Monthly Themes

January - What Not To Miss at Expo

February - New Product Spotlight

March - Golf & Spring Trends

April - Outdoor & Summer

May - USA Made

June - Best Sellers

July - Sports, Spirit Gear & Back to School

August - Tech Gear & Gadgets

September - 4th Qtr Trends

October - Holiday Gifts

November - Winter Essentials

December - End of Year Deals